Betty hears the gunfire from the stairwell and rushes to the rooftop, where Edgar’s body lays on the steps. Unlike everyone else, Jellybean discovered that Jughead was alive on her own.
At school, Betty tells Jughead that maybe they should look further into Chic. So, he didn't need Betty following him just to tell him how disgusted she was with it all.
When she finds out she's pregnant, is it Jughead or Sweet Pea's baby?Rated M for a reason! Donna kept Betty busy. Conquer their fears, expiate their sins, and exorcise their demons. Not Jonathan. Everything seems to be going right in Jughead’s life. Furthermore, Betty’s been suspended pending further investigation. Toni is also present. Betty explained that she wanted to be apart of his world, and the Serpent dance was the only way for that to happen. The lie goes that Sister Agnes sent her to fetch some files and she got lost.
Peaches N’ Cream asks if they want to run for Prom court. FP calls Betty to tell her that he has a lead. He's gone for good.
All they would have to do was pick up the trays before the party due to the short notice.
It’s the prank caller claiming to be the Black Hood. Betty questions why she’s been the target of her mother’s overwhelming affection. She returned Betty then slipped Chuck a muscle relaxer and hand-cuffed him up to the rail in the hot tub, forcing him to confess on video.
They started to wonder why the Black Hood would bury an empty coffin. She asked about Betty’s time at the Farm.
Betty returns home to find her mother sitting on the steps, drinking her troubles away. Betty claims that she’s come to learn more about the Farm and that she came to ask about Ethel, who told her that Evelyn had been helping her with her seizures. Jughead tries to explain to the scout just how worried his parents are, but he doesn't seem to care.
DNA tests will confirm their identities. Once Fangs is gone, Betty confronts Kevin.
And Chic coincidentally showed up in Riverdale just after Svenson was killed. Betty joins Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, and Fangs at the table. Jughead believes that if he can talk to Toni and get her back into the Serpent fold, then the others will follow. However, when she attempted to speak to him, he turned around in the opposite direction. Munroe comes to inform Archie that Dodger and his crew are still pissed that they got beat up and they plan on terrorizing the town on Halloween night. She wants Betty to promise her that she won’t investigate any further but that’s a promise Betty can’t make. Betty stated that Veronica was innocent, but they both knew that she didn't honestly believe that. Veronica went to see Archie's mom and Attorney McCoy, to ask them to put her on that stand.
She takes a peak through the glass window. Later that night, Betty crept down the steps, following a sound of a child's laughter, what she found was her father watching Polly's old home videos. And that was the end of them. As she feared that she would let him down.
Betty then notices the tattoo of her mother’s wrist. What about Princess Etheline, Betty asks. Once they are gone, Betty unlocks her dad's drawer and makes copies of his planner. Betty states that both of their parents played the game, which is why they were so adamant against them investigating Ben and Dilton’s deaths, and why they freaked out over the rule book. Archie is greatly outmatched in size, though somehow, he manages to best the beast, hitting him with a combo of punches before finishing him of with a large bone. In his phone, Betty discovered hundreds of messages from junkies looking for their next fix, including one from Chic the night of the murder. Jughead and Betty meet with Archie and Veronica at Pop'sBetty, Jughead, Archie, and Veronica meet at Pop’s. Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Cheryl, and Reggie stand over Mr. Honey’s body, panicked and frightened.
Chic could be dead somewhere because of her. She once dressed up in dark lingerie and a black wig to force Betty also shows a great deal of strength, courage and nerve.
Cheryl, Toni, Betty takes a moment to visit her own father’s grave, but it’s been vandalized.
Betty thinks Donna may have said a trigger word to make her hurt Jughead. Alice intends to get an interview with them for tonight’s broadcast. In the meantime, she asks that no one panic. Somehow, Betty has to figure out how to force their parents into telling the truth, though this will involve Veronica’s speakeasy. They needed help, but not from the police. He eventually leaves, and not long after, Jughead arrives. Betty, Archie and Veronica stand over Jughead's grave.
Betty then suggested that Veronica check the basement for evidence. Despite previously swearing off mysteries, Betty decides to join Jughead.
Furthermore, it was the Monsignor who sold her, not the Sisters. He knows that it greatly angers Betty that she hasn’t caught him yet and even offers to help her. They're the same.
When Archie asks about Kevin’s odd behavior, Betty explains to the gang that the Farm got Kevin and soon enough her house. Jughead tells Betty that neither she nor the babies are evil, but Betty feels that being evil may be her destiny; something she can't control or understand.
After dumping the body, Betty returned home with her mother and the two of them proceeded to wipe the house down of the man's finger prints. They joined her by her stand as she gave out kisses and cupcakes. They're thinking that the second Black Hood could be a Serpent or Ghoulie. Archie. Archie, Betty, Cheryl, Sweet Pea, Toni and FP are speechless.A dream sequence takes place in the opening scene. Betty and Jughead then meet with Archie at Pop’s. Charles instructs her to get out as Governor Dooley is prepared to send in a group of mercenaries. Just as it seemed Bret was about to reveal to Veronica what he did, Jughead calls out to her by her actual name, rather than Monica, thus alarming Bret and Betty, who’s listening in through the wire. She questioned why he was torturing her. DuPont claims that he never explicitly directed anyone to do anything criminal.
She can’t help Betty unless she tells her the truth. Alice answers. While doing so, she remembered the old laptop that she had in her dresser and how Chic needed one since Marcel threw his away.