Edit. Während des Spielzugs eines beliebigen Spielers, wenn dein Gegner eine Karte oder einen Effekt aktiviert, die oder der dieses verdeckte Monster als Ziel wählt: Du kannst diese Karte in die offene Verteidigungsposition ändern; ziehe 1 Karte. Durante el turno de cualquier jugador, cuando tu adversario activa una carta o efecto que seleccione a este monstruo boca abajo: puedes cambiar esta carta a Posición de Defensa boca arriba; roba 1 carta. From the mighty Imperial Order to the devastating Royal Oppression, most of the good Cont. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
Structure Deck R; Starter Decks; OCG TCG Latest Banlist ... Yu-Gi-Oh! Structure Deck R; Starter Decks; OCG TCG Latest Banlist Slangs Game terms ... Amaterasu.
Durante o turno de qualquer duelista, quando seu oponente ativar um card ou efeito que escolhe como alvo este monstro com a face para baixo: você pode colocar este card com a face para cima em Posição de Defesa; compre 1 card. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! 자신은 덱에서 1장 드로우한다.
Durante il turno di qualsiasi giocatore, quando il tuo avversario attiva una carta o un effetto che sceglie come bersaglio questo mostro coperto: puoi mettere questa carta scoperta in Posizione di Difesa; pesca 1 carta. Uma vez por turno, durante a Fase Final, se este card foi virado com a face para cima neste turno: devolva-o para a mão.No puede ser Invocada de Modo Normal o Especial.
이 카드 이외의 필드의 카드를 전부 제외한다. 이 카드를 주인의 패로 되돌린다.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Traps have always been floodgates.However, there are a few exceptions to this rule and today we’ll be talking about neat Cont Traps that don’t necessarily block your opponent from playing the game but are still strong in their own right.The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Amaterasu. ②: 이 카드가 리버스했을 경우에 발동한다. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment.Italian guy who loves horror, mysteries, paranormal, ufology, cryptids and, obviously, yu gi oh :) Se questa carta viene scoperta: bandisci tutte le altre carte sul Terreno. The main goal of this deck is summon Amaterasu and clean up the field with its powerful effect; in case, you can have fun by using the other lethal spirit cards and make the opponent pray... seriously.Italian guy who loves horror, mysteries, paranormal, ufology, cryptids and, obviously, yu gi oh :)Continuous Traps debuted in LOB and saw widespread usage throughout the game’s history. Si esta carta es volteada boca arriba: destierra todas las demás cartas en el Campo. History Talk (0) Share. Gallery; Rulings; Errata; Tips; Appearances; Trivia; ... More Yu-Gi-Oh! Une fois par tour, durant la End Phase, si cette carte a été retournée face recto ce tour : renvoyez-la à la main.Kann nicht als Normal- oder Spezialbeschwörung beschworen werden. ③: 이 카드가 리버스한 턴의 엔드 페이즈에 발동한다. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. ①: 뒷면 표시의 이 몬스터를 대상으로 하는 마법 / 함정 / 몬스터의 효과를 상대가 발동했을 때, 이 카드를 앞면 수비 표시로 하고 발동할 수 있다.
The main goal of this deck is summon Amaterasu and clean up the field with its powerful effect; in case, you can have fun by using the other lethal spirit cards and make the opponent pray... seriously. Una vez por turno, durante la End Phase, si este turno esta carta fue volteada boca arriba: devuélvela a la mano.このカードは召喚・特殊召喚できない。①:裏側表示のこのモンスターを対象とする魔法・罠・モンスターの効果を相手が発動した時、このカードを表側守備表示にして発動できる。自分はデッキから1枚ドローする。②:このカードがリバースした場合に発動する。このカード以外のフィールドのカードを全て除外する。③:このカードがリバースしたターンのエンドフェイズに発動する。このカードを持ち主の手札に戻す。이 카드는 일반 소환 / 특수 소환 할 수 없다. Una volta per turno, durante la End Phase, se questa carta è stata scoperta in questo turno: falla ritornare nella mano.Não pode ser Invocado por Invocação Normal ou Especial. Structure Decks. Wiki.
Structure Decks. Falls diese Karte aufgedeckt wird: Verbanne alle anderen Karten auf dem Spielfeld. Amaterasu | Decks and Ruling This page notes details of Amaterasu (LIGHT/Fairy/Spirit monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Se este card for virado com a face para cima: bana todos os outros cards no campo. Si cette carte est retournée face recto : bannissez toutes les autres cartes sur le Terrain. Community content is available under Non Invocable Normalement ou Spécialement. Einmal pro Spielzug, während der End Phase, falls diese Karte in diesem Spielzug aufgedeckt wurde: Gib sie auf die Hand zurück.Non può essere Evocato Normalmente o Specialmente. 1 Rise of the Duelist; 2 Phantom Rage; 3 … Durant le tour de chaque joueur, lorsque votre adversaire active une carte ou un effet qui cible ce monstre face verso : vous pouvez changer cette carte en Position de Défense face recto ; piochez 1 carte. This card works well in a Zombie Deck; it can be Xyz Summoned with the combo of "Zombie Master" (or "Summoner Monk")+ "Gogogo Ghost"+ "Gogogo Golem" and its effect can recycle "Plaguespreader Zombie", "Mezuki" or Zombies banished with "Shutendoji" or "Allure of Darkness".