Middle-aged Claudia removes a wooden stick blocking the entrance to the police station as a radio mentions scientists are looking for an explanation for what happened on the day of the apolcalypse. They start talking about seeing men naked. Claudia stops him and says this is too important to be jeopardized. Tannhaus, o relojoeiro e estudioso de viagens no tempo. "Já na primeira temporada, o público é apresentado ao personagem Noah, que tem o objetivo de criar uma máquina do tempo para estabilizar as viagens cíclicas de 33 anos e controlar o que acontece no mundo. She tells Adam she lied to him, and to Eva, but the knot had to stay intact, with both worlds having same events happening at different times or places. She puts her hand on Regina's as she cried in sadness. Claudia responds that she knows she is going to die and meeting him is part of the game he still doesn't understand how to play. Adam is in shock because he killed Martha and The Origin, but Claudia tells him that his or Eva's World should have never existed in the first place.
She hands him a copy of his book A Journey Through Time, saying she will be dead soon, and no longer needs it. Tannhaus commited a single mistake: he tried to bring his family back from the dead, but instead destroyed and divided his world. Claudia and Tronte look at each other before the latter tells her to leave him be and they both leave. She tells him it will take 33 years. They struggle over the phone and Egon falls backwards, cracking his head open on the table.
She realizes he must have got it from her older self. He shoots her. Claudia looks at a newspaper article concerning the death of her father Egon on 26 June 1987 (the next day). Já Charlotte é neta de H.G. They are later joined by young Noah. Ele aceita sua nova realidade, é adotado e ganha o nome de Michael - e é o homem que cometeu suicídio logo antes de a primeira temporada de Em 2019, um garoto chamado Mikkel Nielsen viaja no tempo sem passar pelos experimentos que mataram outras criançasMichael é casado com Hannah e pai de Jonas, o protagonista da série - Jonas, aliás, conhece o pequeno Mikkel Nielsen; sem fazer ideia, é claro, de que Mikkel e seu pai são a mesma pessoa. Claudia is shocked and does not know what to say. He tells her he is proud of all her accomplishments, and that her mother would be too. A avó de Ulrich é Agnes Nielsen, mãe de Tronte Nielsen: ela chega em Winden em 1953, sozinha com o filho, e passa um tempo morando com os Tiedemann. Claudia is sitting at her desk in her office at the nuclear power plant, recording her research findings. He tells Claudia she has no heart.
Jonas, em depressão pela morte do pai, começa a investigar o que poderia ter levado Michael ao suicídio - e é partir daí que os mistério de Entender quem é quem, e quais são as relações entre os personagens, facilita a vida de quem assiste .
Preparamos um guia com tudo o que você precisa saber para entender e aproveitar a última temporada. Claudia takes the time machine into the chamber containing the radioactive barrels from the 1986 incident and activates it. Egon goes to visit Claudia at the nuclear power plant, telling her he has something important to discuss. He asks what it is, and she replies that if it is what she thinks it is, it will change their understanding of the world forever. The two hug, and Claudia admits to Adam that she has led people to pain and suffering so that she could be there on that day, adding that everything she has done has been for Regina. Os acontecimentos não são mostrados de forma linear ou cronológica; e os personagens aparecem em diferentes fases da suas vidas: crianças, adultos e idosos, por exemplo.As viagens no tempo são possíveis porque, em uma caverna em um bosque de Winden, existe um "buraco de minhoca" - uma característica hipotética do espaço-tempo que funcionaria como um "túnel" entre dois momentos distintos. Claudia greets her father, and asks where her mother is at, and Egon repeats what Doris had said to him about the ways of the heart. Taking her other-world self's device, she travels to their world and meets Eva, who gives her the time machine plans that she will later give to H.G.
Claudia talks to her other self, and the younger version tells old Claudia to tell Egon she is sorry for what she had to do.
Agnes tells her that she is not afraid of her brother Noah any more. Helge, porém, sobrevive (é por causa do ataque de Ulrich, aliás, que o Helge adulto tem cicatrizes no rosto); e Ulrich vai parar na prisão em 1953. Aleksander e Regina tem um filho, Bartosz, amigo de Jonas.Nós, o público, sabemos que o verdadeiro nome de Aleksander Tiedemann é Boris Niewald: ao chegar a Winden em 1986, ele esconde seu passaporte na floresta, assume a identidade de Aleksander Köhler, e consegue emprego na usina nuclear com Claudia Tiedemann. Helge tenta matar o Helge mais jovem em um acidente de carro - mas acaba morto ele mesmo.E, claro, há O Estranho: um homem misterioso que aparece em Winden e se hospeda no hotel de Regina Tiedemann. He tells her to take the machine to the bunker near Helge's cabin and heads off, saying he must find Hannah and Martha. In 2023, Jonas (from the Non-Martha loop and who will later become the Stranger and Adam), working in tandem with Claudia, continues to try and open the dark matter portal. Claudia asks Jonas what the God Particle is, and he tells her it is what was left over from the catastrophe. They hug. Os dois cresceram juntos, visto que Tronte se mudou com sua mãe Agnes para … She then says that when he next sees her, he will have to show her how to use the time machine—and that someone else will explain it. She was seemingly allied with the adult Jonas Kahnwald. Charlotte descobre que Noah é seu pai, mas ainda não sabe a verdade sobre sua mãe.A Clauda idosa, por sua vez, viaja bastante entre as décadas, e parece agir no sentido de garantir que sua versão mais jovem desenvolva o interesse necessário para seguir seus passos: ela visita a si mesma para contar tudo o que aconteceu, e enterra o dispositivo de viagem no tempo no terreno da casa de sua versão adulta. He tells her that her older self told him she would come so that he could explain the device to her. He is not free.
Adam asks if the conversation they are having has happened before, and Claudia tells him he has tried to kill the Origin many times, but that was the first time they had ever had that conversation.