Relicva aur : Ritual Flame (21%), Tribal Square (15.5%), 200 Goods of one type (17%), 10 Rogues (14.5%), 100 Forge Point (18%), Small Medal Package (14%) Relicva jad : Sacred Sky Watch (19.7%), Terrace Farm (14.8%), Fountain of Youth (11.5%), One Up Kit (19.7%), Store Building (19.7%), Renovation Kit (14.8%) If auto-battle with a given army loses to a particular enemy army, will it always lose to that enemy army with the exact same army or there are certain randomness to the AI and might win sometime in future? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Unisciti subito al miglior gioco di costruzione di imperi creando il tuo primo insediamento su Forge of Empires! If you don’t know how your time links up to server time, well… that’s not something I can help you with. This building will automatically match era with you as it has no set age, so it does not require a One Up Kit or Renovation Kit. Are there ever good opportunities to use the Auto-battle feature? If you prefer to listen rather than read, the The Temple of Relics is based on ancient wisdom that you gathered during your Guild Expeditions. will it always lose to that enemy army with the exact same army or there are certain randomness to the AI and might win sometime in future? Even getting ToR to level 5 or 6 makes a huge difference in how many relics you tend to see, so it shouldn’t be stressed over. When it’s colorful it means there’s one or more relics waiting for you somewhere, and when it’s grayed out there are no relics to be found.You can spawn three different kinds of relics: Common, Uncommon, and Rare.

Since this is a rare relic and the hardest one to make spawn, you would think that these prizes are extremely coveted. If you see anything that is truly odd or needs to be addressed, please contact me at saknika at gmail dot com.If you stumbled upon this site not as a player of the game, please not start working on GE until your competition has been decided Dimostra di essere un degno sovrano e conduci il tuo regno alla gloria. Please note that every effort is made to keep articles as up-to-date and relevant as possible, but new articles are prioritized over updates to previous ones.General updates that have been done, but aren’t new articles.A new site design was implemented from January 17-19, and while the bulk is done some tweaks are still happening; mainly on individual posts themselves. Fighting will take troops, which depending on how your Each tier has 16 platforms, so it breaks down to look like this:Tier 1 is the easiest tier, and is automatically open each week. Il tuo compito sarà quello di mostrare la tua abilità nei giochi di strategia online e sviluppare la città attraverso le epoche storiche in questo gioco di imperi basato sul browser. Your opponent’s fighting boost is weak. Until then, some of these boosts may not be something you can activate.In general there are two ways to complete GE: Fighting or Negotiation. The reality of it is that what you earn in a relic being good or bad depends on your needs at the time.

Also depends on the age/era involved. City. All’inizio ti ritroverai nell’età della pietra con qualche capanna a tua disposizione. Anyone who has been in an average activity-level guild for more than a few weeks and paying attention though knows that most members do a random amount of encounters each week based on their own personal availability. So in the event of a tie between two guilds both being at 100% for example, the first guild to reach 100% gets the top spot.Each encounter completed will give a certain percentage towards your guild’s overall goal.

Watch the Forge of Empires Trailer The newest Forge of Empires (FOE) trailer shows some of the best characteristics of the strategy online game and gives you a feel for the world FOE plays in.