最高40TB的内置企业级存储可轻松支持存储密集 型工作负载(如办公应用、Web、电子邮件和文件/打印 服务),并支持容量扩充
Achat en ligne de Lenovo ThinkSystem ST250 7Y45 (7Y45A016EA). We focus on making it easy to do business with us. Serveur Tour pas cher, Retrouvez sur PC21.FR toute la gamme Serveur Tour et aux particuliers.Le ThinkSystem ST250 de Lenovo est un serveur tour, complet, à socket unique, facile à gérer pour les petites et moyennes entreprises ( SMB ) ou les bureaux / agences distants ( ROBO ).PC21.FR - Toute l'Informatique à Prix Bas Garantis pour les Entreprises, les Administrations, l'Education, les Associations et le Grand Public !© 2000 / 2020 - SARL au Capital de 50 000 € - RCS B 432 105 328 - TVA FR 42432105328 Assessments help organizations like yours, no matter how large or small, get a better return on your IT investment and overcome challenges in the ever-changing technology landscape.Professional Services consultants perform infrastructure design and implementation planning to support your strategy.
For the RAID 930-8i adapter, the kit also contains the bracket for the RAID adapter's flash power module.
For CTO and preconfigured models in the configurator tool, the cable and flash power module bracket are automatically added if needed. TruDDR4 memory uses the highest-quality components sourced from Tier 1 DRAM suppliers and only memory that meets strict requirements is selected.