Robert Oppenheimer gilt als „Vater der Atombombe“, verurteilte jedoch ihren weiteren Einsatz, nachdem er die Folgen ihres Einsatzes gegen die japanischen Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki gesehen hatte.Nach dem Krieg arbeitete Robert Oppenheimer als Berater der neu gegründeten US-amerikanischen Atomenergiebehörde und nutzte diese Position dazu, sich für eine internationale Kontrolle der Kernenergie und gegen ein nukleares Wettrüsten zwischen der Sowjetunion und den Vereinigten Staaten einzusetzen. — Robert Oppenheimer. Julius Robert Oppenheimer war ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker deutsch-jüdischer Abstammung, der vor allem während des Zweiten Weltkriegs für seine Rolle als wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Manhattan-Projekts bekannt wurde.

Manhattan Project The Gadget 16.07.1945 Testversuch in Los Alamos Little Boy 06.08.1945 Robert Oppenheimer è tra le figure più geniali e controverse del XX secolo. Come direttore del Laboratorio di Los Alamos, supervisione l'operazione, riuscita, per battere i nazisti nella corsa allo sviluppo della prima bomba atomica, una svolta destinata ad avere eterne conseguenze sul genere umano e a rendere Oppenheimer il padre della bomba atomica. 9, International Edition (24 October 1949), p. 58; sometimes a partial version (the final sentence) is misattributed to Marcel Proust.Letter to his brother Frank (14 October 1929), published in Robert Oppenheimer : Letters and Recollections (1995) edited by Alice Kimball Smith, p. 136Letter to his brother Frank (12 March 1932), published in Robert Oppenheimer : Letters and Recollections (1995) edited by Alice Kimball Smith, p. 155Physics in the Contemporary World, Arthur D. Little Memorial Lecture at M.I.T.

Physics in the Contemporary World, Arthur D. Little Memorial Lecture at M.I.T. Dieses im geheim gehaltenen Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico stationierte Projekt hatte zu… 30, No. Speech to the Association of Los Alamos Scientists (2 November 1945) quoted in "Why Curiosity Driven Research?" April 1904 in New York City; 18. È stato inoltre il primo a capire l'effetto tunnel quantistico, ad avvicinarsi con le sue ricerche alla scoperta del positrone, a portare avanti la teoria sulle piogge di raggi cosmici e a verificare il collasso di grandi stelle causato dalla forza gravitazionale.Origine: Citato in Beaudot A.,La crèativité, Bordas , Paris, 1973. 7, No. 26 (19 December 1966)Science and the Common Understanding (1954); based on 1953 Reith lectures.Letter to his brother Frank Oppenheimer (14 October 1929), published in Robert Oppenheimer : Letters and Recollections (1995) edited by Alice Kimball Smith, p. 135"Atomic Weapons and American Policy", Foreign Affairs (July 1953), p. 529Oppenheimer testifying in his defense in his 1954 security hearings, discussing the American reaction to the first successful Russian test of an atomic bomb and the debate whether to develop the "super" hydrogen bombs with vastly higher explosive power; from volume II of the Oppenheimer hearing transcripts, pg 95/266 (emphasis added)Quoted at Vision '65 "New Challenges for Human Communications" (21-23 October 1965) and published in v 65: New Challenges for human communications, Volume 4, International Center for the Typographic Arts, Southern Illinois University (1965), p. 221Words spoken to his class at Berkeley during the period 1932-1934, as quoted by Wendell Furry in American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2005), by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, p. 84Interview with Edward R. Murrow, A Conversation with J. Robert Oppenheimer (1955)Response to question on his feelings about the atomic bombings, while visiting Japan in 1960. by Robert V. Moody (17 February 1995)