was created to answer the questions about the game I was receiving every day in the server.
X100 Beginer Friendly (Just Wiped 06/08/2Duck's Server - UK - NO BP WIPES - Low Upkeep - Monthly WipeUprising Better-Vanilla - 2x - NOTP - 1xHome - InstaCraft - CustomLoot - Slower DecayZTL Rusty US 4X LowPop PVE/PVP Zombies TP Kits Clans RewardsZTL Rusty US 5X LowPop Zombies TP Kits Clans Rewards[EU*NOR] [MOTO] | VANILLA | MAX 5 Team | Noob Friendly |PVEGAMING.COM PVE - MODDED TOO MUCH TO LIST - ZOMBIES - HELI EVENT - ACTIVE ADMINS - NOOB FRIENDLY Bumfuzzlertopia 3x SoloDuoTrio Kit Loot TP Instacraft Raid Sympathy Prestige Trump Tower[EU] Upsurge Mondays | 3x Vanilla | 6/8 *NO BLUEPRINTS* EU Low Pop - 50 upkeep - SoloDuoTrioCRUSTR 100X TP-KITS-IC-QS-BGRADE-HOME-SKIN-TRADE-NOWP-NOBP-LOOT[UK/EU] Typical Gaming Rust x15 |Kits|Tpr|Home|Vip|Qsmelt|ICraft|Grandmomma's Basement - New Players - Single Duo Trio---- Vanilla Wastelands - Vanilla - Lightly Modded - NO ABUSE ----Uprising SoloDuoTrio - 4x | Insta | TP | QS | Kits | PM | BGrade | SkinsRUEN MaxRust 3x - LootKitsFriendsMAX 3Map WIPE 19.02 MODER ONLINEOrbitRust 3x NOBP SOLODUOTRIO MyminiKitTPRHomeRemoveTurret[EU] THC Rusty x2 Vanilla+MonthlyWipe [INSTA|KITS|TP|MAX2PLAY]EU EDEN x3 Custom map PVE events New Mini Monuments Raidable Trap bases Scrap Gangs Weapon dealers[GR/EU][Rust Spartans][Server 5x][LOOT++][Kit Starter][Online Admins]DE SOLO SURVIVAL - Vanilla - Anfnger - Low Decay -[NL/EU] 2x Vanilla Community Server | Solo/Duo/TrioUSSurvivalServersHighCamp10xKITSTPCLANNOBPSAND MOREEU SkillToSurvival X1000 Clans Skins KITS LOOT Just Wipedhttpsvk.comgame.rustsurvival, RU, RUST SURVIVAL x1Dayx2NightMAX5TPSKILLSSKINS[US] SiegeRust - 2x Vanilla | 27.2 | Solo/Duo/TrioRustazona X5 | Discord Perks | Kits | Quests | Shop | ZombiesRustiLoco 1 UKEUSOLODUOTRIOMonthly Wipes3xKitsSkins and MoreDragon's Fire Rust - 2x w Kits, PvP Arena, Store, SkinsCZSKEU GUNS KIT - FAST START custom map -[EU/NA] RustySAC | 1.5x Lightly Modded |[EU] Stryp's Rust - 5X|NoOfflineRaid|TP|Home|FULL Wiped:06/08SLM Community 5x |Solo-Duo-Trio|Loot+|KITS|Shop|EventsBumfuzzlernilla 3x Loot 2x Low Decay Raid Sympathy Fireworks Monthly WipeManicRust 10x SoloDuo New World SmallShopBpackSkinsTpEUSWE HIDG.SE LIMITLESS 2X BI-WEEKLY MAP WIPES NO P2WNormal Rust Wipe 16.05.2019 X5COMP X5HOMEKITSTPremovefriendBanana Mans SoloDuo Vanilla Bi-Weekly BP Wiped 2306#1 Small Vanilla - Weekly Map Wipe - Monthly BP Wipe - No Banned AccountsMega-Rust 10000x Battlefield|TPR|Clans|Quarry|Rocket Turrets#2 Small Vanilla - Weekly Map Wipe - Monthly BP Wipe - No Banned AccountsRustyKarma Battlefield - x5000 Clans TP Shops Zombies[EU-FR] RustGang x10 - NO BP - Instacraft - Loot + - No StashesGRAND RUST #2 [MAX 2 | X2 | XP | CASE | PROCEDURAL] Wipe 07.08CZ/SK/ENG 100x InstaCraftTPHOMEKitsMagicCraftWIPE 11.1ManicRust X5 PVEDuel ArenaRaidable BasesEventsZombiesEU Zombie Nation PVE Custom Plugins Zombies Zombie HuntCoconut Pancake Zombies X1000 BGrade KIT TPCG New Horizons Creative Skins Fly God Kits SpawnLucidGaming 2x - Solo Duo Trio - Vanilla - Monthly - CAN Rusty Dagger Monthly5K MapVanillaHorizon PvE - No Killing-Raiding. That being said, if you are spamming chat, causing disruptions, hating on the server or the admins, or just being an overall asshat, your playing privileges will be revoked.There is a forced wipe in the game the first Thursday of each month. This may require admins to manually save the server’s state, then stop the server process to adjust the configuration files.
Starving will kill you. Players. Given it’s in development, this game see’s new people join every day.
After some stress testing and 150k entities later, can use 6+ gigabytes of memory. RUST admin commands and server variables are used by RUST server admins and moderators.Admin commands can be used in and out of the game to initiate actions, such as kicking or banning players, and other related administrative tasks. Rust Monthly Wipe Servers. Server Status. In this guide we'll be going over the steps necessary for wiping a RUST experimental server. Some who haven't played for months are also checking out the newest version.